2025-2026年度的中一「自行分配學位」名額為 7 名。
Number of discretionary places in 2025-2026 : 7
The School’s admission criteria for Discretionary Places:
- 收生準則:要求學生有自我管理的意識及積極的態度
Admissions Requirements: students must possess self-management awareness and readiness, as well as positive learning and life attitudes. - 比重:
- 面試表現(40%)
Interview performance (40%) - 小學校內學業成績(35%)
Academic achievement in primary school (35%) - 小學成績表內評語及操行(15%)
Comments from primary schools and conduct (15%) - 課外活動、服務及獎項(10%)
Participation in extra-curricular activities, services and awards (10%)
Collection of Application Form
- 日期:2025年1月2日至2025年1月16日(包括首尾兩日)
Date: 2 January 2025 – 16 January 2025 - 地點:本校校務處
Place: School General Office - 時間:星期一至五:上午8時30分至下午5時
Time: Monday to Friday: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm - 交表方式:通過「中一派位電子平台」或親身遞交
Application can be done via the SSPA e-Platform or in person . - 遞交表格時所需文件:
Required Documents:
- 香港教育局中一自行分配學位(2023/2025)申請表
Application Form for S1 Discretionary Places 2023/2025 - 本校申請表
School Application Form - 申請人的身份證副本
Photocopy of applicant’s HKID - 小五上、下學期及小六上學期之考試成績表副本(如小六上學期成績表未獲發放,申請人須於面試時補交)
Photocopies of school reports for the past two years (P6 school report (1st Term) shall be submitted later if it is not ready for submission) - 本校申請表上所填寫之獎項或證書副本(無需學校推薦信)
Photocopies of the stated extra-curricular activities, services and awards (*Recommendation letter from the primary school is NOT required)
- 形式:個人面談
Format: Personal interview - 語言:粵語、普通話、英語
Language: Cantonese, Putonghua , English - 目的:了解學生的性向、興趣、潛能、獨立思考及解難能力等。
Aim: To understand students' aptitude, interest, potential, independent thinking and problem-solving skills, etc. - 所有申請者將獲安排於二、三月間進行面試,詳情容後通知。
All applicants will be invited to attend an interview in February or March. Details of the interview will be released in due course.
Our school will notify parents of successful applicants of their children's inclusion in the Successful Lists for Discretionary Places on 31 March 2025 by posts and telephone calls, please provide two stamped and self-addressed envelopes for application.
These notification arrangements are not applicable to reserve and unsuccessful applicants, nor are the notifications the allocation results. The parents concerned do not need to reply to the notifications.
Declaration: The personal data collected during the application process will be used for school-place application. The school may disclose this information to the Education Bureau or other schools authorized to process the personal data for school places allocation or other education-related matters. Relevant information will be destroyed after unsuccessful admission or the student registration process.