• 2024-09-12


English Language

Department Philosophy

At WCBSS, the study of English is to develop students’ abilities to listen, speak, read and write for a wide range of purposes, so using the language to learn and communicate ideas, views and feelings. We aspire to foster a love for English in students and encourage learners to express themselves creatively and imaginatively, as they become enthusiastic readers of different types of texts. Above all, we seek to extend students’ knowledge and experience of other cultures, while equipping them with essential generic skills for pleasure, study and work in the English medium.


  1. To enhance students’ four language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing through a learner-centered approach
  2. To encourage students’ language learning though the task-based approach, engaging students in interacting and communicating in the target language
  3. To develop students’ generic skills e.g. creativity, communication, problem solving and collaboration skills
  4. To cater for learner diversity by adopting a variety of teaching and learning strategies

Learning Strategies

We adopt the task-based approach in English teaching. Teaching materials are organised into modules that are further divided into units, where students are engaged in various tasks that help polish their four language skills. A variety of learner-centered activities are designed and conducted in class to facilitate language learning. E-learning is also incorporated into the curriculum to promote self-directed learning.

2023-2024 Awards for Students (English Language)



2024 ICAS (English)



2024 ICAS (English)



2024 ICAS (English)



2024 ICAS (English)



Activities and Competitions


In order to enhance students’ interests in learning English, various delightful and splendid activities were held during the English Week. To spice up the event the English Department teachers along with the English Club ambassadors exhibited opportunities to allow students to immerse themselves in a fun English environment. An array of activities was held, which included morning assemblies, presentations on festivals and pop culture. Additionally, there were song dedications for teachers and peers. For the games section, students’ game stalls such as alphabetic fishing chain, table tennis vocabulary, scrabble and the inter-class quiz competition were set up to boost the students’ confidence to chat freely.


English Café is a social hang out space for students to meet, mingle and use authentic English in a sociable way to brush up their English skills. The English Café is run with pride by the English Café ambassadors, NET and English teachers every Tuesday and Friday. Students who drop by during the lunch time are treated as VIPs receiving gracious hospitality to create a memorable and lasting impression of a homely setting at Odysseus, our newly designed gathering place. The ambassadors greet, serve, and entertain with tasks that are done collaboratively e.g. solving riddles, playing with the ambassadors the Monopoly, Scrabble, meme cards, creating stories with story cards, stacking tower games, and also having conversational exchanges on multiple topics e.g. leisure events, movies and sports etc. Meanwhile, students are served with customized hot or cold beverages, such as latte (milk coffee), hot chocolate, tea or coke, etc. World cuisine snacks, from Italian Affogato, Mexican Nachos to Japanese Savory Rice Crackers, are served to let students feel at ease.


If you need to beef up your culinary skills, head to WCBSS! The English Club and the PTA host a personalized “Cookery Workshop” for WCBSS parents and students. Parents and their children would be instructed, guided and taught English terminology regarding cooking during the workshop in English by various English Teachers. This allows the participants to overcome the language barrier. Participants would master and lovingly show off their culinary artistic skills by beautifully mixing the ingredients and decorating the snacks which make it very visually appealing and edible.


The Self-Directed Learning (SDL) lesson based on creative sports were observed by the EDB distinguished officers, principal, vice principals, subject panels and senior teachers from other primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong. The junior form English lesson was co-taught by a NET and an English Teacher. The learning strategy allows learners to take charge of their own learning process (diagnosing learning needs, identifying learning goals, selecting learning strategies, and evaluating learning performances and outcomes) and helps them meet their goals. The objective of the open class was to distinguish general vs creative sports using their iPads, engaging in a group discussion to devise a new creative sports club which would secure a good attendance. Students presented in groups on their creative sport and demonstrated how it is played e.g. dancing football. It was then followed by a live online poll survey by the audience to choose the most entertaining new sport.